Erotically materialized Papa Smurf’s costume

“I had never really thought of exploring the concept of eroticizing the Smurfs characters but the more I researched and read about the adult interpretations, I found it quite entertaining.” (

The adult Smurfs image, Tom of Finland Smurfs (left), was created by Alessio Slonimisky, a talented gay erotica illustrator, when there was a Deviant Art contest to create images inspired by legendary artist Tom of Finland style in 2014. Tom of Finland is Touko Laaksonen(1920-1991)’s best known pseudonym. He was a Finnish artist notable for his stylized homoerotic fetish art and his influence on late twentieth century gay culture. (

Inspired by Alessio’s work and finding the women’s costume product is intended to play up the sexual persona while the men’s can only be a comical version and never sexual as well,  Men’s Underwear Guy decided to work with the Papa Smurf character. Voila! Here is his version of the erotically materialized Papa Smurf’s costume (right). Over the sexy blue body, Papa Smurf wears a tight red velvet brief, velvet leggings, and red leather boots; velvet, leather, legs, shoes, underwear, and even the color ‘red’ are common fetishes. Though Men’s Underwear Guy already applied a bit of a twist and went with leather boots in order to downplay the comical factor, the big fuzzy feet, would Papa Smurf look sexier if he had used more pointy boots? (Or would it be too much?)

About Minjung Lee

How do I identify myself? Hm... So many roles attached to me. First of all, I am a mom of three children. Second, I am married to a man whose last name is Yang, not Chinese but Korean. Third, my nationality written in my passport is "Republic of Korea" (it's South Korea). Fourth, I am currently a visiting scholar at UC Davis under Dr. Kaiser; it's already my second year in 2016. Fifth, I had been a TV costume designer for 12 years in South Korea at Korean Broadcasting System [KBS] since 2002. Sixth, I do have Ph.D from Seoul National University (Dept. Clothing and Textiles)... I wasn't so much interested in power relations behind fashion before I came to the UC Davis. From here, in Davis, and working with Dr. Kaiser, I feel like I am "standing on the shoulders of giants." I definitely have learned to see the world in wider and expanded perspectives. Owing to this precious time and space, I feel I am, fortunately, becoming an adult.
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